Quotes Compiled - I Ching { The Visual I-Ching 01-64 - Heagram (Upper / Lower) } 01 - Hvn / Hvn + Ch'ien - CREATIVE + The Creative + Heaven repeats itself. Continuous action of higher powers as well as of the superior being. -- (Follow the chosen path with calm, unfaltering steps. Act thus in harmony with the powerful, creative primeval principle and success is assured.) 02 - Eth / Eth + K'un - RECEPTIVE + The Receptive + Earth is vast. It carries good and evil with patience, there is room for everything. -- (Do not forge ahead but allow yourself to be led. Accept assistance at work, but advance alone in dealing with superiors. Perseverance combines strength and devotion, it brings success.) 03 - Wtr / Tdr + Chung Fu - INITIAL DIFFICULTY + Initial Difficulty + The movement of Thunder leads to the Abyss. -- (Upon beginning a difficult task, one must prepare oneself well and arrange everything clearly in its proper place. Wait and see, call in helpers. Perseverance brings success.) 04 - Mtn / Wtr + Meng - YOUTHFUL INEXPERIENCE + Youthfull Folly + Water bubble up from the spring, seeming to depart from the Mountain. It does not yet suspect that at the end of its journey stillness waits it again. -- (Much strength, but little experience. Recognise your situation and look for a teacher. Clear instruction is necessary. Avoid useless questioning. Perseverance bring success.) 05 - Wtr / Hvn + Hsu - WAITING + Waiting + The rising force of Heaven is facing Danger in the form of rain clouds. -- (Gather strength calmly and wait for fate to be fulfilled. Do not worry and take everything as it comes. If one does not deceive oneself, the path is clearly visible. Strengthen body and spirit. Perseverance brings success.) 06 - Hvn / Wtr + Sung - CONFLICT + Conflict + Water strives downwards, Heaven upwards. Father and son have different views. -- (Conflict arises when each party believes himself to be in the right exclusively. Do not take any important steps, nor try to finish your task now. Stop and seek advice.) 07 - Eth / Wtr + Shih - THE ARMY + Army + Water is hidden in the Earth. Inwardly, danger hides. Outwardly, discipline rules. -- (Organisation and discipline are the most important elements. A strong leader can guarantee it, but only if he knows how to maintain good relations with the subordinates. Perseverance bring success.) 08 - Wtr / Eth + Pi - UNION + Holding Together + Water pours upon the Earth and forms a connected system. -- (People can only hold together if each one sees himself as a member of the whole. Recognise your function in society, test your endurance and inner stature. For the insecure and hesitant it may get too late.) 09 - Wnd / Hvn + Hsiao Ch'u - SMALL RESTRAINT + Domination by Weakness + The rising force of Heaven is hindered by the gentleness of the Wind. -- (Momentarily, weakness predominates over strength. This is achieved by gentleness and adaptability. The time has not yet come for energetic action so it is advisable to show restraint.) 10 - Hvn / Lak + Lu - TREADING CAREFULLY + Stepping + The Lake rises toward Heaven. The weak face the strong. -- (If the weak proceed courageously but respectfully and without evil intention, the strong will not be provoked. Recognise the inner nature of a person, and do not be impressed by external differences of rank.) 11 - Eth / Hvn + T'ai - PEACE + Peace + The power of Heaven strives upwards, Earth downwards. Fertile union results. -- (Contradictions unite in harmony. The strong help the weak. See to it that this situation bears fruit.) 12 - Hvn / Eth + P'i - STAGNATION + Stagnation + The earth strives downwards, Heaven upwards. They divide and their interaction ceases. -- (Good recedes, evil increases. Retreat into your innermost self. By no means allow yourself to be enticed into participating in exterior life. Thus difficulties will be avoided.) 13 - Hvn / Fir + T'ung Jen - FELLOWSHIP WITH MEN + Community + Fire strives towards Heaven. The Sun gives life and belongs equally to all beings. -- (Inside reigns clarity, outside strength. Differences between men may be overcome if exposed. Good partnership depends on common purpose. New ventures materialise great deeds succeed. Perseverance brings success.) 14 - Fir / Hvn + Ta Yu - ABUNDANCE + Possession of Great Things + What Heaven gives to mankind becomes visible in the light of Fire. -- (Encourage goodness and prevent evil. Such effort, undertaken with moderation and clarity, accords with the laws of Heaven and leads to great success) 15 - Eth / Mtn + Ch'ien - HUMILITY + Modesty + The Mountain carries the Earth. Stillness pervades all. -- (Finish your work with modesty, do not expect fame. Weigh things up and balance them one with another. Success is assured.) 16 - Tdr / Eth + Yu - HARMONY + Enthusiasm + Thunder erupts out of the Earth and awakens new life, as it happens in springtime. -- (Collect helpers around you and show your power. Do not fear an argument. Remember your faith and your origin.) 17 - Lak / Tdr + Sui - FOLLOWING + Handing Over + The violent movement of Thunder changes into the pleasurable murmuring of the Lake. It calms itself and gathers strength. -- (Time for repose and relief. The one who inherits a situation adapts to it. Start your work cheerfully, with conviction and good will. Perseverance bring success.) 18 - Mtn / Wnd + Ku - ARRESTING DECAY + Renewal + The Wind encounters the Mountain and loses strength. Development stagnates and must be revitalised. -- (Discover the cause of problems and overcome them. Then there are good prospects for success. Wake up, gird yourself for a decisive step.) 19 - Eth / Lak + Lin - APPROACH + Approach + The Lake turns towards Earth, the hollow strives towards its innermost centre. The youngest daughter approaches her origin, the mother. -- (Take matters in hand. Perseverance brings success. Take heed quickly for circumstances may soon change.) 20 - Wnd / Eth + Kuan - CONTEMPLATION + Contemplation + The Wind wafts over the earth, and gently strokes the surface. -- (By contemplating the world around you, recognise ways and means of influencing people and events. Make journeys, pay visits. Be a good example and mentor others.) 21 - Fir / Tdr + Shih Ho - BITING THROUGH + Biting Through + Thunder and Lightning come together and split everything opposing them. -- (An impediment must be overcome, difficult matters sorted out. Identify errors and the ones to blame. Judge fairly and carry out decisions with firmness. Success is assured.) 22 - Mtn / Fir + Pi - ADORNMENT + Beauty + The Light is weakened or even obliterated by the Sun. -- (Time of Darkness and of need. Persevere inner clarity and strength, but show yourself externally flexible. Thus your real nature remains steadfast in difficult times.) 23 - Mtn / Eth + Po - FALLING APART + Collapse + A Mountain emerges where the Earth folds itself. The ground is unsafe and may collapse at any time. -- (The situation is delicate. Only by making gifts to the lowly, can the great restore the balance and continue to exist. Do not undertake new ventures.) 24 - Eth / Tdr + Fu - RETURNING + Turning Point + Thunder has retreated to its place of origin, deep into the Earth. Now it moves upwards again. -- (The old comes to rest, the new begins to move. New power, however, needs to be sheltered and given time in order to gain strength. New friendships can help. (This is the sat card of the first half).) 25 - Hvn / Tdr + Wu Wang - CORRECTNESS + Innocence + Thunder moves towards Heaven. The eldest son is outwardly a man, but to his father, he is still a child. -- (Act instinctively. Innocence is lost by any thoughts of personal gain, and misfortune follows at once.) 26 - Mtn / Hvn + Ta Ch'u - THE GREAT TAMING FORCE + Domination by Strength + The power of heaven is bridled by the steadfastness of the Mountain. -- (Focused strength enables you to do great things. Let these actions take effect outwardly, and be ready to make important decisions. Explore the past and learn from it.) 27 - Mtn / Tdr + I - NOURISHMENT + Mouth + The movement of Thunder is swallowed by the stillness of the Mountain. -- (Practice moderation with words (sounds that leave you mouth) and with food and drink (energy which enters through it). Perseverance brings success.) 28 - Lak / Wnd + Ta Kuo - EXCESS + Predominance + The Trees are underneath the Lake which overflows its banks and inundates everything. -- (The powerful predominates, and the situation becomes acute. Great changes are impending. Be prepared and remain self-assured. Act gently and serenely, without hesitation.) 29 - Wtr / Wtr + K'an - THE PERILOUS PIT + Abyss + Water repeated. It flows on without interruption and does not shy away before the abyss. It changes its shape but not its character. -- (A dangerous situation. Behave like water, be true to your inner self. Do not stand still. Do not be afraid. Act consistently.) 30 - Fir / Fir + Li - THE CLINGING + Attachment + Twice Fire. The light is taken up by man and distributed further. -- (No man is independent, each clings to something, just as light does. Recognise and accept this dependence. It is important to serve in order to not become presumptuous.) 31 - Lak / Mtn + Hsien - INFLUENCE + Courtship + The Mountain bears the Lake. The man courts the girl. -- (Be receptive and assist other people, but remain steadfast and do not let yourself be seduced. Perseverance brings success.) 32 - Tdr / Wnd + Heng - PERSEVERENCE + Duration + Wind and Thunder, submission and penetration, unite. Woman is inside and beneath, man in outside and above. A long-lasting union, the "true marriage". -- (Duration means development, not stagnation. For development, space is needed. But it is important to have the goal in one's sights in order to not get lost.) 33 - Hvn / Mtn + Tun - RETREAT + Retreat + The Mountain soars to lonely heights, above is only the emptiness of Heaven. -- (Baseness gains ground, the superior one retreats with dignity. He feels no hatred for he is above ignoble emotions.) 34 - Tdr / Hvn + Ta Chuang - POWER OF THE GREAT + Power of the Strong + The strength of Heaven takes the form of Movement, and spreads itself out. -- (The way is free. Proceed with inner strength and a fine sense of justice. Thus there will be no deviation from your path.) 35 - Fir / Eth + Ching - PROGRESS + Progress + The Sun wanders over the Earth, bringing warmth and fertility. -- (Speedy, effortless progress. Strength will be richly rewarded if it is based on confidence and is not abused.) 36 - Eth / Fir + Ming I - DARKENING OF THE LIGHT + Eclipse + The light is weakened or even obliterated by the Earth. -- (Time of Darkness and of need. Preserve inner clarity and strength, but show yourself externally flexible. Thus your real nature remains steadfast in difficult times.) 37 - Wnd / Fir + Chia Jen - THE FAMILY + Family + Fire engenders warmth, Wind spreads it. Thus many people share in it. -- (The family moulds the man's character, it teaches him how to deal with people. Perseverance and orderly conditions lead to success. Disintegration lead to a decadence in society. Women, as the centre of families, bear a special responsibility.) 38 - Fir / Lak + Kuei - DISUNION + Opposition + The coolness of the Lake needs the heat of the Sun. Two sisters live in the same house but have opposite interests. -- (Men may have the same goals, but their ways often differ. Personal interests are emphasised, similarities with others recede. Only small projects can be realised.) 39 - Wtr / Mtn + Chien - OBSTRUCTION + Obstacle + Rain and darkness are above the Mountain. Stand still in the face of danger. -- (The situation is difficult. Do not act but adapt to circumstances, keeping the goal in view. Be introspective, look for the fault in yourself. Seek advice.) 40 - Tdr / Wtr + Chieh - REMOVING OBSTACLES + Relief + Troublesome advance amid Danger, followed by rapid Movement. The way is open. -- (A new beginning. Forge your own mistakes and those of others. Settle quickly what has still to be done. After deliverance, do not run away, but find your way back to orderly conditions.) 41 - Mtn / Lak + Sun - DECREASE + Decrease + The Lake dissolves. Mist rises and hides the Mountain. Thus both are weakened. -- (Time of simplification, of poverty. Outer humility is no disgrace if there is no substance. Quell lower feelings and muster your energy for higher things.) 42 - Wnd / Tdr + I - INCREASE + Increase + The violence of Thunder is absorbed, reinforced and spread by Wind. -- (Imitate the good and give up bad habits. Take important decisions and begin new adventures.) 43 - Lak / Hvn + Kuai - REMOVING CORRUPTION + Breakthrough + The power of Heaven has been shored up in the Lake. It bursts out. -- (The good should be helped to succeed. Remain in self-critical inwardly strong and outwardly friendly. Do not apply force but take a firm and open stand.) 44 - Hvn / Wnd + Kou - ENCOUNTERING + Concession + The wind rises towards Heaven. The eldest daughter approaches the father, women approach men, the people approach their ruler. -- (Two related but unequal forces. The weak approach the strong. A favourable opportunity to carry through a delicate measure. Caution is advisable, do not commit yourself.) 45 - Lak / Eth + Ts'ui - GATHERING TOGETHER + Gathering + Water collects on the Earth to form a Lake. -- (Where people or things assemble much can happen. Start new ventures but be prepared for unforeseen developments. Make sacrifices, seek advice. Perseverance brings success.) 46 - Eth / Wnd + Sheng - ASCENDING + Striving Upwards + Wood penetrates the Earth. A new plant has taken root. -- (The foundations of great things are built with painstaking effort. Seek advice but have self-confidence. Keep both path and goal in your sights. Success is assured.) 47 - Lak / Wtr + K'un - OPPRESSION + Exhaustion + The Abyss opens in front of the Lake. Distress before joy and deliverance. -- (Shortly before the goal, a narrow gorge has to be overcome. Muster all your willpower. Big words do not help, no one believes them. Perseverance bring success.) 48 - Wtr / Wnd + Ching - A WELL + The Well + The Wood draws life giving Water from the Earth and distributes it in all directions. -- (Get to the root of things. Work for the common good and helps others. Let caution prevail, for the bucket with which you draw your water is fragile.) 49 - Lak / Fir + Ko - REVOLUTION + Revolution + Fire and Lake are in conflict, their interests oppose each other. -- (Choose the right moment for acting and the base for great innovations by careful observations of events. Perseverance brings success.) 50 - Fir / Wnd + Ting - THE CAULDRON+ Sacrifice + Wood and Wind feed Fire. Matter arises into the invisible. The sacrificial urn stands on fire. -- (Give up something you cherish in order to dedicate it to a higher purpose. By submission, you will find your position in life and recognise your fate. Success will follow.) 51 - Tdr / Tdr + Chen - EXCITING POWER + Shock + Repeated Thunder. A shock first causes fear but then spreads out and brings "good" vibrations. -- (Colossal movement. Do not be confused by initial fear but meet force with respect and composure. Turn inwards and bring order into your life.) 52 - Mtn / Mtn + Ken - ARRESTING MOVEMENT + Keeping Still + Mountain above Mountain. Stillness pervades all. -- (Gather fresh strength through repose. Turn your thoughts inwards, away from material things. No error is possible if there is inner peace.) 53 - Wnd / Mtn + Chien - GRADUAL PROGRESS, GROWTH + Gradual Development + A Tree grows on the Mountain. Calm causes development and organic growth. -- (Create orderly conditions. They are the necessary basis for all co-operation. But push forward gradually and constantly. A lack of perseverance may lead to stagnation.) 54 - Tdr / Lak + Kuei Mei - MARRYING MAIDEN + The Marrying Girl + The Lake draws near to Thunder. The young woman follows the older man into his house. -- (The situation is uncertain, an end is possible at any time. Adapt to the situation with tact and modesty. Do not venture on any new enterprise.) 55 - Tdr / Fir + Feng - PROSPERITY + Wealth + Fire meets with Thunder and spreads out. Its warmth causes things to blossom. -- (Judge misdeeds shrewdly and punish severely. Only the genuinely strong enjoy times of prosperity. Decline follows later, but do not worry. Enjoy your wealth and share it with others.) 56 - Fir / Mtn + Lu - TRAVELLING STRANGER + The Stranger + The Mountain stands motionless, above it the sun wanders away. -- (One is alone, having no permanent home and no circle of friends for support. Inner strength, outer modesty brings success.) 57 - Wnd / Wnd + Sun - GENTLE PENETRATION + Gentle Penetration+ Wind meets Wind. It is gentle but penetrating and persistent. -- (Gentleness in word and deed lead to success. Obtain advice, explore the path thoroughly before following it.) 58 - Lak / Lak + Tui - JOY, PLEASURE + Serenity + The Lakes are linked together, and each one is fed by the other. -- (Associate with like-minded people to share experiences. Be inwardly strong and firm, outwardly mild and serene. Perseverance brings success.) 59 - Wnd / Wtr + Huan - DISPERSION + Dissolution + The Wind wafts over the Water and ripples it. The dark, flowing force becomes bright and soft. -- (Selfishness evaporates and is sacrificed to a collective purpose. Human beings have mutual interests and therefore are united. A moment to take important decisions. Success through perseverance.) 60 - Wtr / Lak + Chieh - REGULATION, RESTRAINING + Measure + The Lake is filled with Water. The mouth speaks, the ear hears. Lake or ear do not have an infinite capacity. -- (Undertake as much as you can muster and no more, but also no less. Moderation brings success.) 61 - Wnd / Lak + Chung Fu - INMOST SINCERITY + Confidence + The Wind wafts over the Lake. The joyous meets the gentle. -- (Approach everything and everyone cheerfully and gently. Recognise their inner nature and earn their trust. Take important decisions. Endurance brings success.) 62 - Tdr / Mtn + Hsiao Kuo - SMALL EXCESSES + The Power of the Weak + Powerful Thunder erupts from the silent Mountain. -- (The small are able to do great things. Do not be ambitious, let caution prevail. Be content with achieving small successes.) 63 - Wtr / Fir + Chi-Chi - AFTER COMPLETION + After Completion + The Sun sets, Darkness and Rain arise, the days ends. -- (A deed has been achieved, the circle is closed. Be satisfied but remain alert, otherwise all may be wrecked at the very last moment. Only small ventures have a chance success.) 64 - Fir / Wtr + Wei Chi - BEFORE COMPLETION + Before Completion + The sun rise over Water. Evaporation will end the cycle. -- (A delicate situation demanding great caution. A mistake would be disastrous. Judge conditions with care.)